COVID-19 QC: les CHSLD les endroits les plus touchés


La Gaspésie-les Îles compte 4 nouveaux cas de COVID-19.

66 personnes sont maintenant atteintes de la maladie.

Au Québec, le nombre de cas de coronavirus augmente toujours, mais le nombre de personnes aux soins intensifs est stable. C’est ce qu’a affirmé le premier ministre François Legault lors de son point de presse quotidien.

Le nombre de cas au Québec est maintenant de 9340 cas, une augmentation de 760 personnes infectées. 150 personnes sont décédées pour augmentation de 29 décès. 50 personnes de plus ont été hospitalisées pour un total de 583 personnes. Et  le nombre de personnes aux soins intensifs est stable depuis lundi avec 164 personnes.

Comme ce sont les personnes âgées qui sont le plus touchées, particulièrement en CHSLD, le premier ministre a annoncé de nouvelles mesures dans ces établissements et dans les résidences pour personnes âgées :


La ministre de la Santé, Danielle McCann, explique que des infirmières en prévention des infections seront aussi envoyées dans ces établissements. Elle lance un appel aux infirmières à la retraite :


Sur les 150 décès au Québec, 44,7% se trouvaient en CHSLD, 26,7% à domicile, 20% en résidence pour personnes âgées et 13% sont toujours inconnues.


  1. My father died as a result of the virus at CHSLD Notre Dame de la Merci. The week of the lockdown we called several times to talk to him and there were always different excuses given, or no one would call us back after leaving messages. We were persistent until we finally spoke to him for a few minutes. He didn’t understand why we hadn’t visited him and I think he felt abandoned because it took so long for them to give him access to the phone. According to them he was doing great all week of the lockdown. The following Monday we get a call that he tested positive for the virus. They said he was still eating and breathing normally. We asked to visit him and they told us that they had to wait for approval from public health. By the time they allowed us to visit him 2 days later, he was unresponsive and they told us the only reason we were allowed to see him was because he was dying. All they could do was make him comfortable. No one in the family was sick and the last person to visit my father the day before the lockdown tested negative. My father was most likely infected in the establishment. It is imperative that anyone working or entering the establishment follow safety rules or get tested. The cases have jumped from the initial 5, my father included, to nearly 40 including some staff from what I have read and 14 people have died. The information from the establishment is not forthcoming. It is too late for my father but I am pleading with you for the safety of all residents and the frontline healthcare workers to put in place stricter safety measures so no one else has to die. My heart is breaking for my family and all the others who lost loved ones. Everyone should have been tested from the beginning staff and residents. They should all be wearing protective gear when dealing with residents as a precaution for both worker and resident. I hope public health learns a lesson from this crisis and focuses on the elderly and healthcare workers who work with them.



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